March 2021 Review

March 31st, 2021

Iā€™m getting in right at the buzzer here, so no thoughts about the month.

Goal Tracking

  • šŸŸ¢ Get 1% faster. I hit PRs in both of my time trials! I managed 10.73 for the 100m and 21.85 for the 200m. Iā€™m so close to hitting my goal of being 1% faster (10.69 in the 100m and 21.73 i the 200m), and itā€™s still pretty early in the year.
  • šŸŸ¢ 50% less discretionary spending. My March discretionary spending was 87% lower than my average monthly spend in 2020. Looking good!
  • šŸ”“One hour of solitary free time a day. I did manage my sub-goal from last month of keeping track of my free time. Unfortunately, outside of weekends, Iā€™ve managed a single hour of free time (maybe two, if you include the hour Iā€™m writing this post in).
  • šŸŸ¢ Twice-weekly live conversations with friends. 4/4 again! I remain surprised at how this goal has goneā€”maybe I should have been more ambitious.

Track & Fitness

  • Like I mentioned above, I hit two PRs in time trials at the beginning of the month: 10.73 in the 100m and 21.85 in the 200m. Encouragingly, I had a lot of technical errors in both races, suggesting that if I clean some of it up, Iā€™ll be able to run better time soon!




  • Unfortunately, I have nothing to report this month. I have a few interesting ideas to play with once I find some time.

Software engineering/Startups




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