October 2021 Review

October 31st, 2021

October was my first full month in Atlanta since May—but I still found a way to get out of town for a couple of weekends. We have more travel upcoming in November and December, which is exciting but also maybe a bit too much.

Goal Tracking

  • 🟡 Get 1% faster. I tweaked my hamstring—time will tell how long I’m out, but it seems certain that my training will be affected for at least a couple weeks.
  • 🔴 50% less discretionary spending. October’s discretionary spending was 19% under 2020’s average, buoyed by the couple travel weekends I had—a wedding in San Antonio, a weekend in Clayton, and upcoming travel to New York.
  • 🟡 One hour of solitary free time a day.
  • 🟡 Twice-weekly live conversations with friends.
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Brick by Brick

October 24th, 2021

One thing role-playing games get right about life is the concept of experience points. To get better at wood chopping, you need to… chop lots of wood. Just like in life—cook a lot and you’ll probably get better at cooking. Of course, the fit isn’t perfect—lots of Runescape characters are level 99, but not many people become master chefs or elite athletes.

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Hello, Vesta

October 17th, 2021

My first day at Vesta was three weeks ago—long enough for me to have some initial thoughts about joining.

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Automatically Fixing Relative Imports with ESLint

October 10th, 2021

I was recently working in a fairly new React/TypeScript codebase that was growing quickly. Because of its rapid growth, it used the default of relative paths for all local imports. This was becoming a problem for developer experience: relative paths make it harder to reorganize files in a codebase, since the developer making that change will also need to update all of that file’s imports.

Absolute imports were the answer—I needed to both set up TypeScript to support them and transform all of the project’s relative imports into absolute ones.

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September 2021 Review

October 1st, 2021

September was eventful!

I spent the first part of the month camping in Glacier National Park and driving back to Atlanta. Glacier was gorgeous and a great way to end my time in Montana. We drove back through the northern route, stopping in eastern Montana, Mineapolis, Madison, and Louisville. It was definitely strange re-entering civilization after months in sparsely populated Montana.

September 24th was my last day at Ladder. The following Monday I joined Vesta as one of the first handful of software engineers. I’m sad to leave Ladder—I enjoyed my time there, learned a ton, and made a bunch of friends. But I’m super excited to build the foundational pieces of an extremely young company!

My pre-season training is well underway—my first GPP block finished up this week. This season, I’m working with Coach Evan Gregory on both programming and technique. I’ve already learned a ton from him in the short time we’ve been working together, and I’m really excited to see how this season plays out!

Goal Tracking

  • 🟢 Get 12% faster. I’m resetting this goal to be 2% faster than the 10.79 I ran at the end of last season—that’s a goal of 10.57. I doubled my goal mainly because I managed the 10.79 while injuring myself.
  • 🔴 50% less discretionary spending. My discretionary spending was 22% higher than my 2020 average. Camping, a week-long road trip, and some furniture purchasing will do that!
  • 🟡 One hour of solitary free time a day. This has been improving, and I expect it to continue to get better: my work schedule promises to be a lot more flexible with this new gig.
  • 🟡 Twice-weekly live conversations with friends. Although I didn’t manage to do this while traveling, since I’ve returned home to Atlanta I’ve gotten back into the routine.
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