Some Notes On Solo Training

May 8th, 2021

Be Patient.

Measureable improvement takes a long time. Don’t vaccilate between training methodologies. Instead, commit to a program for at least one full season before making strategic changes.

Listen to your body—don’t risk injury. The best ability is availability. It’s better to miss a couple reps at the end of a workout than to pop a hamstring and miss weeks or even months.

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Why Atlanta?

May 1st, 2021

I drove across the country to my new home this weekend—Atlanta. Everyone I tell has the same reaction: why Atlanta? Here’s why:

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April 2021 Review

April 30th, 2021

I’m writing this from Denver—I’m moving to Atlanta! We’re driving across the country with a car full of stuff. Packing and moving has reminded me just how much stuff I’ve accumulated. Even after a few car loads of donations, we’re still bringing a lot!

Goal Tracking

  • 🟢 Get 1% faster. I ran a 200m time trial early in the month at 22.02. This is a little slower than I’ve run previously, but it was into a nasty headwind. I also managed a PR in the 30m fly at 2.92.
  • 🟢 50% less discretionary spending. My spending in April has trended up, especially in the last couple of weeks, where I’ve been eating out with friends and on the road. That said, my total discretionary spending has still been 62% lower than my 2020 average spend!
  • 🔴One hour of solitary free time a day. I’m not doing well.
  • 🟢 Twice-weekly live conversations with friends. I managed another green month!
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The Buck Stops With You

April 24th, 2021

One important difference between junior and senior engineers is that senior engineers take responsibility for the software the team ships. They understand that they are the only line of defense between the company and catastrophic outages, a slow death through tech debt, and losing product-market fit by building the wrong things. Without responsible engineers, teams will ship slower, buggier, less-aligned products.

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