Measuring Bundle Sizes with Next.js and GitHub Actions, Part 2
May 15th, 2021I wrote Part 1 of this post back in February, demonstrating how to measure Next.js bundle sizes with GitHub Actions. Today, I’ll walk through how to show a bundle size diff against master
We’ll start from the final code from part 1, which comments your project’s bundle sizes on every PR action and push to master
. The first thing we need to do is grab something to compare against: we’ll use whatever is currently on master
Since we’re running our Action on every push to master
, we don’t need to recalculate master
’s bundle size—we can just use the previously calculated sizes! For this, we can use the Action action-download-artifact:
- name: Download master JSON
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v2
if: success() && github.event.number
workflow: bundle-size.yml
branch: master
path: .next/analyze/master
This downloads all artifacts from the most recent run of our Action workflow on master
into the folder .next/analyze/master
. Note that Part 1’s Build & analyze
step creates the folder .next/analyze/master
—this is necessary for this step to succeed.
Now, we can write a script that compares the bundle.json
files across master
and our new PR:
const currentBundle = require("../.next/analyze/bundle.json");
const masterBundle = require("../.next/analyze/master/bundle/bundle.json");
const sizes = currentBundle
.map(({ path, size }) => {
const masterSize = masterBundle.find(x => x.path === path);
// if a file exists in our bundle but not master's, it was added
const diff = masterSize ? size - masterSize.size : "added";
// if a file exists in master's bundle but not ours, it was removed
.filter(({ path }) => !currentBundle.find(x => x.path === path))
.map(({ path }) => "removed")
Then, using the same code from part 1, we can output a Markdown table of this diff to publish to a GitHub comment:
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const currentBundle = require("../.next/analyze/bundle.json");
const masterBundle = require("../.next/analyze/master/bundle/bundle.json");
const prefix = ".next";
const outdir = path.join(process.cwd(), prefix, "analyze");
const outfile = path.join(outdir, "bundle-comparison.txt");
function formatBytes(bytes, signed = false) {
const sign = signed ? (bytes < 0 ? "-" : "+") : "";
if (bytes === 0) return `${sign}0B`;
const k = 1024;
const dm = 2;
const sizes = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"];
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(bytes)) / Math.log(k));
return `${sign}${parseFloat(Math.abs(bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm))}${
const sizes = currentBundle
.map(({ path, size }) => {
const masterSize = masterBundle.find(x => x.path === path);
const diffStr = masterSize
? formatBytes(size - masterSize.size, true)
: "added";
return `| \`${path}\` | ${formatBytes(size)} (${diffStr}) |`;
.filter(({ path }) => !currentBundle.find(x => x.path === path))
.map(({ path }) => `| \`${path}\` | removed |`)
const output = `# Bundle Size
| Route | Size (gzipped) |
| --- | --- |
<!-- GH BOT -->`;
try {
} catch (e) {
// may already exist
fs.writeFileSync(outfile, output);
The last step is to include this script in our Actions workflow:
# Place this after "Download master JSON"
- name: Compare bundle size
if: success() && github.event.number
run: ls -laR .next/analyze/master && node scripts/compare-bundles.js
# Modify this step to use `bundle-comparison.txt`, the new file we're uploading
- name: Get comment body
id: get-comment-body
if: success() && github.event.number
run: |
body=$(cat .next/analyze/bundle-comparison.txt)
echo ::set-output name=body::$body
If all goes well, you’ll see a bundle size diff in your PR!